Saturday, September 8, 2007

Europe Travels: Austria, London, Czech Rep.

So We arrived in Salsburg pretty late and made our way to the hostel and went to bed, I woke up early and caught a bus to the Salsburg airport and I was off to London For my friend Ashley's wedding. The wedding was amazing and Ashley looked beautiful! after the wedding I went and saw the sights of London by night and they were beautiful. The next day I went to Portabello road and didn't even make it through half of the market before I had to leave for the airport. I almost didn't make my plane because security was so backed up, but after sprinting, and getting quite a good work out, I made it to my gate they were able to re-open the door and I was on my way back to Salsburg. The next morning we were off to Vienna, it was beautiful we went to a great art museum and went to a mixed concert that night (opera, ballet, and the Imperial Orchestra Wein)and then took a night time stroll and saw the sights then went back to our hostel. We had another early morning, we hopped on the 6:00 train to Prague. We got to Prague and started looking for our hostel and we were not in the best area so we decided to try another hostel. so we finally got settled into a better part of town and we walked up to Prague Castle and grabbed some Mexican food (it was soo good!) and went back to our hostel a little earlier than usual talked for a bit and went to bed. We woke up the next morning and saw most of the other sights in Prague climbed their hill/ mountain that had beautiful garden at the top of it and had a lovely relaxing day just walking around the city. We stayed at the hostel again that night retiring early again, and prepared for another early morning of travel to Berlin.


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